Our consultation in anesthesia and intensive care medicine
The sale of medical products and accessories for anesthesia and intensive care is particularly demanding. Expert advice on medical devices and good service form the basis of support in areas such as monitoring, ventilation, inhalation and suctioning. Since users are practically always very experienced, differentiation is particularly important when it comes to comparable products.
Differentiation from competition in anesthesia and critical care medicine.
Theoretically, there are six differentiation criteria
- Price leadership
- Image
- Support
- Design
- Quality leadership
- non-differentiated
The lowest price is a good strategy in the competition in anesthesia and intensive care only if you are really the cost leader. sananet usually tries to establish sales strategies that are not focused on the lowest price.
Image and good customer support are attractive unique selling propositions, as they cannot be easily copied by the competition.
At first glance, design does not play a major role in anesthesia and critical care. However, when developing a new product, it is often a cost-effective, supporting differentiator.
Quality is extremely important in anesthesia and critical care. A medical device for anesthesia and critical care that fails can have fatal consequences.
The worst option is no differentiation. Then they will surely end up in price competition.
Cost reduction in anesthesia and intensive care as a sales strategy
According to a study, the costs per ITS day are about 1250 EUR, for ITS days without mechanical ventilation and 1400 EUR for intensive care bed days with mechanical ventilation. Personnel costs (50%) represent the largest cost factors, ahead of medical material costs (18%) and infrastructure costs (16%).
Reducing therapy costs is very attractive for hospitals and an incentive to buy medical devices. Efficient processes are particularly in demand here. Here’s a little thought experiment: If you reduce your sales price by 10%, then with 18% material costs, that’s effectively 1.8% of costs for the hospital. If you reduce the working time by 5%, then with 50% personnel costs this is 2.5% effective costs.
+49 (0)451 40 08 300