Market Analysis Medical Technology Germany
Market analysis for the German medical device and biotechnology market is a specialty of sananet as consulting agency in the health care market.
Short Market Analysis as Overview for German Medical Device Market
An initial step can be performing a market analysis focussed on basics of the segments addressed by the medical products.
Focus will be on the medical potential and relevance, the commercialisation potential, and the competitive landscape
It will cover the following issues:
- General Market situation in your indication
- General statistical market data for the different market segments
- Rough estimation of potential sales
- SWOT analysis
- Overview on competitive landscape
Detailed Market Analysis as Preparation for a Market Entry Strategy for German’s Medical Equipment Market
Following issues will be analysed systematically in addition to the market data above.
- Deeper analysis of competition, especially substituting technologies which are not direct competition on the first glance
- Reimbursement in Germany, existing DRG codes or EBM codes, ways to get reimbursement in the future and ways around regular reimbursement
- Problems and thresholds to enter the market
- Legal and regulatory situation
Interviewing Independent Medical Experts in Germany
sananet is not a theoretical demoscopic market research agency, but a consulting company for the health care market. Therefore we use our excellent contacts in this field and our market analysis is more practical to help medical product manufacturers to have a successful market launch.
For the market success of your medical technology product it is essential to get real opinon form potential users and customers rather than only have theoretical data. sananet will get independent opinion from experts in the field. We will ensure that no confidential details of novel medical devices will be disclosed during this step.
+49 (0)451 40 08 300